Mount Oldoinyo Lengai (Mount Oldonyo Lengai) is a volcano in the Eastern Rift Valley, North Tanzania. Its name means ‘Mountain of God’ in the language of the Maasai people who inhabit this area. Mount Oldoinyo Lengai (Mount Oldonyo Lengai) is of particular interest to geologists because it is the world’s only active volcano that erupts natrocarbonatite lava. It is also the only active volcano in this part of the East African Rift Valley, though there are many older extinct volcanoes in this region. Mount Oldoinyo Lengai (Mount Oldonyo Lengai) rises about 2000 metres above the Rift Valley floor to a height of approximately 2886 metres.


Day 1

After an early breakfast depart Arusha at 7:00am for Ngaresero Village near Lake Natron. The drive takes about 8 hours and you will have a packed lunch en route. Dinner and overnight at campsite or lodge. you will begin your ascent of Ol Doinyo Lengai early in the night. Ol Doinyo Lengai is the only volcano in the world to erupt natrocarbonatite lava and is the most active volcano in Tanzania. With a height of 2586m/9370ft it was named Ol Doinyo Lengai or Mountain of God by the Maasai, and is a sacred site of pilgrimage for the Maasai and the dwelling place of their god Enkai.


Day 2

Wake up early in the night at 1am for tea and biscuits then drive to the base of Ol Doinyo Lengai to begin the ascent in time to view the sunrise from the peak. Descend back down the mountain and drive back to camp.


Day 3

After breakfast depart for Arusha with a packed lunch en route. You will arrive in Arusha in the evening.

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