1. All the terms and conditions governing your trip and our relationship are set out in this document that you have agreed to upon completion of your booking form. These terms and conditions will prevail in the event of any contradiction in the documents so please ensure your familiarity with them as you have agreed to be bound hereby.

No party shall be bound by any express or implied terms, representation, promise or the like not recorded herein.

  1. No variation, amendment, addition or deletion of these terms will be binding unless expressly agreed to by both parties, being the client and African Budget Safaris, in writing. From time to time, updated and amended terms and conditions will be necessitated due to changes in policy, administration and legislative alterations. Please ensure that you are familiar with the most recent document.
  2. No relaxation or indulgence will constitute a waiver of these terms and conditions and both parties remain entitled to their rights as ascribed to them in terms hereof, despite not insisting on them at any given time.. Should any of the terms and conditions as found herein be deemed to be invalid or null and void as determined by a court of law, the rest of the provisions will remain in full force and effect as if the former had not been included.
  3. The terms and conditions of this agreement and supporting documents will be governed by the Laws of South Africa and shall be enforceable within the Republic of South Africa and its Courts.
  4. The parties hereby consent to the jurisdiction of the Magistrates Court of South Africa in respect of any action or proceedings which may be brought, provided that Out-back Africa shall be entitled to bring proceedings in the High Court, where such proceedings would, but for the aforegoing, be beyond the jurisdiction of the Magistrates Court and can do so at their own election.
  5. In the event that Out-back Africa institutes proceedings in order to recover costs, the costs of recovery and all associated costs will be for your account on an attorney and own client scale.
  6. No responsibilities, rights or obligations in terms of these terms and conditions can be assigned or ceded by you to a third party.
  7. Should Out-back Africa be prevented from carrying out any of its obligations in terms of this agreement due to causes beyond its control, Out-back Africa shall not be held liable to continue with its obligations while the causes persist and further more shall not be held liable for any delays or losses or damages which may be incurred as a result.

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